4 job fiesta

Here I will document my unofficial four job fiesta runs for Final Fantasy V.

Normal run 2025-Feb-18

I started a new regular run and got the following jobs:

Time Mage

Beginning went fine. This is the first time I noticed you don't have to do the wind shrine first thing. You can head straight to Tule.

Got my dudes fully outfitted in leather armor, helmets, shields, and broadswords. Found some leather shoes.

Crushed wind shrine. I will have to remember there is a broadsword in a chest here.

All my guys are thieves now.

There go my broadswords.

Oh wait, Tule doesn't sell any knives... Faris and Galuf must use their puny fists for now.

Grinded some mobs outside Tule to level up.

Tested out steal... it's supposed to have a 40% base success rate but stealing from bees never seems to work. IDK why.

Gained enough courage to traverse the canal.

Oh god, thieves can't take a hit. Poition supply is taking a hit.

Beat the boss here but I'm starting to get uncomfortable.

Thank god there is a rest zone at the beginning of the ship graveyard.

Skeletons drop daggers! Got all four of my dudes with daggers now.

Oh yeah, things are easier now.

Using scram to escape from annoying encounters (ones with lots of ghosts).

Being able to pick and choose encounters is actually pretty awesome. Somewhat makes up for not having a tank or healer.

...until a boss. Siren wrecked us. I used up every last potion I had and barely eked out a win.

Is it supposed to be this hard?

Wait, can knives do good damage from the back row?

the crew
the crew

...No. No, they cannot.

But wow, I just noticed the back row is a thing for enemies too! That's crazy. I guess using so many berserkers in my first run prevented me from learning things.

Got to Carwen. Upgraded to copper cuirasses and stocked up on potions!

This is weird; the beach tiles outside town have a Garula that never attacks you in battle. It gives no XP, no Gil, and one ABP for defeating it. It comes back, and you can steal maiden's kisses from it.

the garula

Stocked up on tons of potions and headed to North Mountain.

Mobs here are 2-3 levels higher than me so I did some grinding.

Noticed you can steal silver specs from the gravestone enemies. Got silver specs for all four of my guys, as they are a straight upgrade over leather shoes.

Fought Magissa and Forza. What a grind. Had to blow through most of my phoenix downs. I'm starting to really get worried about fighting bosses. Hopefully it will go better with time mage support.

Saved Hiryuu and made my way to Walse, where I picked up new martial arts armor and some time magic in anticpation of my next job.

Raided all the treasure in Castle Walse. Scram is great for escaping Jackanapes with only one dead party member.

Tried to convince the king to stop abusing the crystal. Failed.

the king will not listen to reason

To be continued...
